Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si Hospitalized After Hunting Accident

Justin explained that after the fall, Si continued to maintain he was fine, but he began acting out of character. And family friend Phillip McMillian, who didn’t join in on the duck hunting trip, later explained what happened to Si, saying he headed to the ER the next day because his “oxygen level was really low.”

“So, I walk in and there he is and it’s quiet in his room he’s by himself—nobody’s in there,” Phillip explained. “I said, ‘What is going on?’ And I figured he would start laughing and talking—no. He said, ‘Man, I’m in a lot of pain.’”

Phillip also shared that the doctor said Si had rejected pain medicine, saying that he took the doctor into the hallway and said, “When he says no like that, he really means yes, so pop him with some pain medicine.”

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