October 5, 2024

Shop Your November 2019 Horoscope!

E-Comm: November Horoscopes

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Welcome to November, dear readers! And with a new month comes a new shoppable horoscope.

“November brings an opportunity to move out of the win/lose game and over to the win/win side of things,” forecasts our resident spiritual advisor Lisa Greenfield. “The good news is you don’t have to give up what you want, just be more flexible about how you achieve it. This is where good collaboration gives you more than what you knew you could have. And more of what you want is a style that is always in season.”

Ready to see what the stars say will help you get what you want? Let’s go!


All work and no play makes for a dull relationship. Devotion needs a boost from the lighter side this month. Put on your best play clothes and go out for some fun to brighten the mood. Your loved ones and your wise self will thank you.


Internal strength makes you strong enough to be soft this month, archer. Bamboo clothes bring the best of durable and delectable into your day to day life. Wear yours to remind yourself to bend with the winds of change and you’ll weather big or small storms with style and grace.


Normally do change at a slow, measured pace, if it all. But this month, you’ve got wings that can fly over obstacles and make change feel downright exhilarating. Step outside your comfort zone and indulge in some feathered earrings to reming you to let yourself soar to new heights with those you love this month.


Your reason and intuition square off in struggle for the upper hand this month, my thoughtful one. Here’s a hint, let intuition decide what you do and let your mind figure out how to do it. Put on some gravity-defying boots and step confidently into your future.


On land or water, you easily bend and move with whatever change comes your way this November. Dress up any relationship hiccups with a boucle fringed scarf that wraps sensuously around you the same way your mind wraps beautifully around challenges. You slide out from under any disagreements easily and leave others smiling and soothed.


Oh, you love to be best at things, impulsive ram, and this month you need your best efforts to bring a heroes patience to relationships. Use a soothing facial mist to dampen fiery impulses and wash away irritation. This reminds you to respond with love instead of war.


You get to see how effective your mind can be at scaring you witless with outsized fears this month. Those shadowy threats are effectively neutralized with a fun themed nightlight to soothe the young place in you and remind you the darkest night is conquered with one tiny bright spot. It’s all you need to send fear packing and put a smile on your face.


Three is the number that represents verbal skills, and it’s Gemini’s number for lucky communication. Put on a triple stack ring and remember that your words have wings, so pause before lift-off to let kind intelligence guide what comes out of your mouth. Strategic pause delivers you the best results.


Oh, it can be hard to let go of a sure thing for the unknown, but that’s exactly what this month requires, my tender one. Grab a stoneware mug to soothe those electric nerves as you release familiar habits and try on a few new ones with loved ones. Holding solid stone soothes you and in no time at all the new will becomes familiar, too.


As natural as it is for you to lead, this month you must also be willing to follow. You need balance and a little more give and take in relationships, proud lion. When you really love, invest in a personalized night sky star chart from a specific date to let equality shine down on you both, night after night after night.


Time to enjoy the solid relationships in your life, my perfection-seeking Virgo. A necklace with coins that delight your heart is the perfect solid symbol to remind you that real connection is the currency of abundance that never loses value.


Nothing stands still for you this month, my beauty-seeking Libra. So find that ombré outfit that reveals just how good change can look on you and dress for the shifting seas in relationship. It soothes your nerves to remember how beautiful and gradual the right change can be.

Shop 24 oh so cozy items to snuggle up with this fall.

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