This Tom Hanks Viral Story About a Selfie Is Proof He’s the Very Best

Like we needed another reason to love Tom Hanks, right?

Shortly after receiving the Cecil B. deMille Award at the 2020 Golden Globes on Sunday, a fan recalled an amazing interaction they had with the Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood star, further proving that he’s the best.

Taking to Twitter, the T.Hanks fan shared a selfie that the Golden Globe-nominated star took on her phone when she left it unattended in his presence. Dressed in a simple hoodie and rocking his signature glasses, Hanks left the unsuspecting fan the gift of a lifetime.

“A number of years ago I left my iPhone unattended in the same room as Tom Hanks,” she wrote. “The next day, I found this photo in my camera roll. To be clear: I’ve never met him. But I do believe he is exactly who we hope he is, and I don’t want to know if I’m wrong.”

The Forrest Gump star solidified his place as a national treasure during his acceptance speech at the Golden Globes—starting with his sweet shout-out to wife Rita Wilson and their children, who were all proudly watching in the audience.

“A man is blessed, a man is blessed with a family sitting down front like that a wife who is fantastic in every way, who has taught me what love is…five kids who are braver and stronger and wiser than their old man,” he said while tearing up. “And a loving group of people who have put away with me being away months and months at a time. Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here if they didn’t have to put up with that I can’t tell you how much your love means to me.”

Then, Hanks reflected on the most valuable lesson he had learned from his early days in the industry as an intern at the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival in the late ’70s.

“We all got yelled at by Dan Sullivan, the director, we had partied a little bit too much the night before,” he said. “We were showing up for rehearsals and he screamed at us, he did actually scream at us, he said, ‘Hey, look, you guys, you actors, you know what your job is? You have got to show up on time and you have to know the text and you have to have a head full of ideas, otherwise I can’t do my job.’ That was the greatest lesson a young actor could possibly ever first of all, the head full of ideas. Bring anything, try anything they might not use it. If it stinks, they won’t use it.”

Offering some advice, he continued, “Knowing the text, and it’s not just your lines, it’s the whole thing. It’s the red dot it’s the theme of the movie. You’ve got to know it. You might not be right in the opinion you bring to it but you’ve got to come at it with some direction.”

Watch E! News Monday at 7 a.m. for a recap of the biggest 2020 Golden Globes moments followed by Pop of the Morning at 11 a.m.

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