Kelsey has already had a rough time this season of The Bachelor, and now things appear to be getting worse.
In the exclusive clip above, Kelsey, who barely just recovered from having her expensive champagne possibly stolen in Champagne-Gate, is now freaking out about the never-ending torture that is being a contestant on The Bachelor. Apparently she can’t stop crying over Peter Weber.
“It’s only temporary. There’s an end at some point!” Tammy points out.
“No, there’s never an end,” whines Kelsey.
“No, he has to pick one at some point,” says Tammy, reasonably.
But does he though? There are currently theories that he hasn’t chosen anyone, and that his season is indeed never-ending.
Kelsey’s not just worried and crying about herself, but she seems to fear that Peter’s current date is a “dramatic f–king bitch” and he might not know it, which makes her cry even more.
Tammy sees Kelsey’s tears and feels like it’s ready to let their mutual boyfriend Peter know what’s up.
“Kelsey is a hot mess. She’s been crying for weeks!” she says. “I don’t think when my grandpa died I cried for that long. Kelsey would go home if Peter just saw how crazy she was right now.”
“Clearly this is too much for her, and I think Peter should know,” she says as the clip ends.
Tammy’s probably right about Kelsey at least needing a break, but imagine the scene of Tammy going to Peter and telling him that Kelsey is a hot mess and should go home. That’s not going to end well for anyone, really. It never does!
Plus, wouldn’t we all be a little bit of a hot mess if we had to compete for this poor man, who’s currently fully caught up in a fight between two beauty pageant contestants over how well they know each other and doesn’t seem to know what to do about it.
Good luck to everyone out here, honestly.
The Bachelor airs Mondays, and next week it will also air on Wednesday in a special two-night event, featuring Peter finally making a decision about the questionable Alayah, followed by the injury that left him with 22 stitches in his forehead.
The dates will include a Cosmo swimsuit shoot and the opportunity for the women to star in their own telenovela, while one woman tries to sneak into Peter’s room, and two more ask to talk to him before a rose ceremony, and then it’ll all end with the dreaded two-on-one date. So excuse us while we go prepare ourselves for one insane week of Bachelor content.
It starts Monday at 8 p.m. on ABC.
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